Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Where does time go? If we stand still will it come around again? I think that once it passes it is gone. A friend sent us an email with som interesting information of conditions in 1905. In 1905 just 2 years after my mother and father's marriage there were only 800 miles of paved roads in the country.I will try to be more regular in posting to the blog in the future. However good intentions alone will not get it done.
Taking care of the medical items first so more interesting things might come to mind. Mary has , with her new medical program from Mayo's has been having her blood pressure TOO LOW. After consulting with our Mayo contact the dosages have been reduced and she is better but further adjustments may still be needed. I decided that I would see what my pressure was doing and it got my attention because I did not have the divice positioned properly. However, even after doing it correctly my systolic pressure is higher tht they recommend so I have been keeping a record and have seen the Dr and some tests are in the works and I suppose that I will be put on som type of program.
Saline received quite a bit of good publicity with the GLOBAL FLYER, now it is a location for casting call for the TV series SURVIVOR. I undertand tht they interview about 800 people to come up witn 16 for the show. It is possible that the next segment may have a Salinian or at least a Kansan. We will hve to watch to see. The main Tv that I watch is C-span on the week ends. Even the French open this year is not of as much interest as Americans have not been doing well and the names of the participants are all strange to us.
The Rolling Hills Wild Life Adventure museum has opened and it is trly remarkable. All of the animals are in a natural habitat and there is no glass. There are also animated figures with audio. It should increas tourism and also attendance to the Zoo which is part of the same complex.
The library has opened its new technology section and it is state of the art. It has a bank of computers with internet and hi speed connection, a training room with computers and projection for classes, computers for business software. There are also 4 computers for searching library information data bases. Also a digitaldesign center for scanning, converting VHS to DVD or CD, slides to cd etc.

My reading has been varied, from Thomas Friedman's :The world is flat", Karen Armstrong's "The battle for God", Richard Miniter's "Shadow War" with some "fluff" such as "The Cat Who--". Have to keep up with Koko and Yum Yum.

I am trying to learn about Power Point to make up some slide show for the Senior learning center. I have a lot to learn. With time it seems to go more slowly!

I will try to be more regular in posting. I do want to let all know that it is possible to make comments and they will show up on my "Gmail" email in box. Just click on the "comments at the end of the blog and a dialog window open to make a comment and send it.

For now will close this but will send a brief note that new has been added--saves writing as many letters and can be utilized in other ways as one gets on to how to do it all.

you all take care A Flanders aka Happy Doc