Sunday, March 25, 2007


The vernal equinox has come and the flowering

trees are busting into bloom and the jonquels are

blooming, so I think that we can definitely say that

Spring has sprung.
Cleo has almost become a lap cat now. The first

thing in the morning she gets up on the arm of the

love seat, next to my chair, and says "comb my fur".

Then she crawls onto my lap and gets her "hair"

dressed for the day. Afterall, a lady can not start

the day all frousy!
We enjoyed the youth symphony performance this

month. There are two orchestras- the junior high

and the highschool- when they played combined

peformance the stage was really full with over a

100 musicians. Both groups really performed very

well. It is good to see the young folks becoming

involved with something other than "rap" .
The last "Atlantic" magazine had an interesting

article regarding global warming. The web page: has also an interview with

the author.

Global Warming: Who Loses—and Who Wins?
Climate change in the next century (and beyond)

could be enormously disruptive, spreading disease

and sparking wars. It could also be a windfall for

some people, businesses, and nations. A guide to

how we all might get along in a warming world
by Gregg Easterbrook

INTERVIEWS As the World Warms
Gregg Easterbrook talks about his cover story,

"Global Warming: Who Loses—and Who Wins?," and

the unexpected by-products of climate change.
by Timothy Lavin [Web only]
I have read a really great book.

TITLE: NOW THEY CALL ME INFIDEL, Why I renounced jihad for America, Israel and the war on terror. Author: Nonie Darwish-A muslim Shahdid's daughter.
library #- 962.054 DARWISH
The book is an autobiography of an Egyptian lady who spent the first 30 years living in a restrictive muslim society and then came to America and was totally amazed at the freedom, especially for the women and many things that we take for granted. Her father was a high military person in the Gaza. He was assasinated when the author was 8 yr old. He was declared a martyr or a Shahdid. She draws a good picture of the muslim life especially for the family and women. Being upper middle class she did get a good education but she questioned many of the Islam doctrines.

The author lectures at universities now in the US regarding the dangers of Islam. She warns that the young people are being indoctrinated by the mosques into the fundamental beliefs.
“My life has been a journey from hatred to love, from a culture that stifled joy and creativity to a life of freedom and endless possibilities. Because I love my adopted country, I have a duty to alert my fellow Americans to a real and present danger.
“Radical Islam has declared war on America and on the West and the majority of Muslims either support or make excuses for the terrorism”
…….not all Muslims are terrorist, but the fear, defensiveness and silence of the majority is “heard” loud and clear as agreement by the radicals…….religion is the game the radical leadership plays as a camouflage to greed..
“Most moderate Muslims choose to blend with American society and do not want to be associated with radical clerics or mosques imported from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and paid for by a wealthy Saudi government. But they cannot simply look the other way and ignore what is happening to radical mosques across this country. It is time to reject the politicization of Islam, the subverting of the call to prayer into calls for jihad, and changing American’s Constitution to the Koran. Having thrived financially in the United States for decades, American Muslims can well afford to pay the salaries of their religious leaders and maintain their own mosques. They need to choose preachers who are more in tune to the value system of the society they have chosen to call home, values such as compassion and tolerance and responsible freedom of speech. We owe it to America to return back its generosity and kindness.”
Newt Gingrich has a new book out but it was checked out. I have my name on the reerve list so I should be able to have read it by the time of my next posting next month. The name of the book is "Winning the Future".
I have my new hearing aids --Mary likes them as now I do not have the TV volume turned up so loud!! I do think that they will be ok but it will take some getting used to them.
I send best wishes to all and I hope that you enjoy the blog. It is a way to keep in contact.