Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Greetings All:
Politics is still the big thing and will continue until the election. The US is not the only place where there are changes being made. Pakistan has a new leader and Isreal also has a new Premier. The choice of Sarah Palin as the VP on the Republican ticket has created so much publicity that one would think that she is heading the ticket instead of McCain! The debates are coming upand the bail out of the debt will keep the pundits busy until the actual election in Nov. It is hard to conceive of the size of the debt we are talking about.

The following information rearding AIG is interesting.

The company's complex structure and aggressive approach reflects the determination of the man who built A.I.G., Maurice R. Greenberg, to create an global empire operating in complementary businesses. Not even the company’s annual reports to shareholders or its regulatory filings offer a chart of its complex corporate structure.

Though its name is American, the company is rooted in Asia. According to company lore, its founder, Cornelius Vander Starr, a World War I veteran, traveled to Asia with only 300 Japanese yen (less than $3 by today’s exchange rates) in his pocket and started the firm in Shanghai in 1919

Now they have increased the take to 700 Billion!! It will be some time before we have worked our way out of this. but at least I think that there will be some changes made and some improvement in the regulation and oversight of the financial sector so that the people running the banks etc get away without doing their job and then getting huge pay-outs when the company fails.
The first presidential debate is this Friday it should be interesting. I am surprised with Biden who I thought was a good choice for VP (and he probably is) but apparntly his mouth gets ahead of his feet at times and he has been making several gaffs,
I was pleased to see Bill Clinton on Larry King Live tonight and to learn about his "Clinton global initiative". apparantly a non gov. program to assist peoples and their problems--health etc--. His legagcy after out of office may be greater than what was when in office.
I made the jump and ordered a KINDLE e-book reader from Amazon. it may arrive tomorrow. So I will have a new toy!!
Mary and I are "hanging in there" here at Drury Place. I have had my 88 birthday this week so I guess that in itself is an accomplishment. We are pleased that our son Bill and wife Peggy will be here for a few days. Glad to get a visit once a year. They are living now in Fort Davis Tx. and have been busy getting their place set up.
(Sat. PM) I did not get this blog posted so will finish it and do so.
Bill, Peggy and the dogs arrived and they are camped at the KOA. They will leave Mon and go visit their kids in TX and LA. before returning to Fort Davis, TX. We are enjoying their visit here. We watched the Presidential debates last night. It seemed about a tie but neither really addressing the present finacial problems. We have been able to move a couple things along in the interest of thinning out stuff; In the process, I found the shoe-shine box which had been lost since we moved (2 years).
Bill and I have been playing with the Kindle. I got the Denver Post for 50 cents to try it out and have learned some other things about it. currently there are 170,000 books in the kindle format available.
I will get this posted. Thur. the VP candidates go at it--should be interesting.
Sending the best to all