Sunday, April 10, 2005


Hi all
Spring is breaking out here in the North Country. The grass is getting green and the trees are budding. I have not seen any flowers blooming yet but undoughtably they will be very soon. We had jonquils blooming in Salina when we left so I suspect that more flowers and trees are blooming by now.
I am glad to get some responses from the SENIORGEEK blog. I am learning more about the process. Apparantly with this program you have to register and have ID and password to enter comments on the blog.
Mayo Clinic is really an amazing place. Thursday and Friday we were there all day. Between seeing a couple of doctors and getting all kinds of tests, both Mary and I were pooped and glad to have Sat and Sun to catch up. This coming week we are scheduled thru Thursday and of course there may be some additional changes that may come up. We should really have the answers when we get through. Mary got up to go to BR Wed night and fell and sprained her knee some so we are using a wheel chair to go from one place to another. Everyone is so very helpfull and it is amazing that they can keep everything organized and on schedule for the appointments etc. They really have a great system and it is all done with computers. We did cause the Nephrologist Dr to be concerned when Mary told him in the history that she had been at Mayos in 1996, he looked at her clinic number and said that her number did not jibe so he went the computer and punched some and found that she had been issued a new number because she was Mary Elizabeth in 1996 and Mary E. in 2005 but he said they should have caught that and it would be corrected. They are proud of their system.
John brought home Thomas Friedman's new book "The World is Flat". It is very interesting. He to be the guest on May 1 "In Depth" program on Cspan 2. I think that we have not seen anything yet as to what the technology changes will be made in the next few years.
Ezra sent me this Url address which I thought was good enought to pass along-- there is good music with it so turn on the speakers.

Until the next time, enjoy and smell the roses HAPPYDOC aka Alden

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