No blogging occured during February as the month was spent in "MOVING ON" . We have moved to a reitement facility. The name is "Drury Place" and the address is 1000 Schippel Drive Apt. 120 Salina, Kansas 67401. The telephone number and the e-mail remains the same as it was. The process of downsizing to get into a one bed-room apartment took some doing. We got rid of the couch and got a love seat, changed the TV for a thin LCD model etc. Anything smaller and getting rid of unnecessary STUFF enabled us to get the ob done and now we can begin to live "normaly". We hve a small kitchen which will not be used very much because 2 meals a day are furnished. There will be much less house work for Mary to worry about. Even the laundry is reduced as they do the sheets and flat work.
The people are all very friendly and helpful and we will like the new living situationl. The location is good in that we are in walking distance to Wendy's restaurant, grocery store, post office, bank and eveN a liquor store (which we will not need). There are acitivities going on at different times.
We have vowed to not accumulate so much stuff and will ask 2 quetions, where can it go and do we need it!! Mostly anything coming in--something will go out.
Cleo, our cat, was able to be moved with us. She had a lot of boxes etc to explore but mosstly hid under the bed for the first 3 days, but now is out and about and demanding attention and telling us what to do in her singular regal way. We are glad that she could come with us. I was surprised that they would alow small pets but I think tht it is a change for the better in the thinking of geratric management. Some people have been here at Drury Place for 8 to 10 years. One gentelman here is 97 and very active and walks with a spry step. We do see a wide variety of walking asstive units, some with wheels and baskets etc. One person hs been here for 10 years and has a motorized unit.
I have just finished the some 800 page book by Doris Kearns A team of rivals. I has a lot of details in about Abaham Lincoln's :Presidency. It also gives a lot of insite into the living in America during that time. I recomend the book if you have the time.
I think tht the last couple of postinge of the Blog Baghdad Burning are of interest. She tells about the life in Baghdad and one gets a feeling that is not available from the mainstream media. It is a hectic time for the people there. The link to the blog is on the side bar of my blog--just cllick on it.
We have placed our two tower computer machnes in the activity area in the basment of Drury and have them connected and operatng. Hope to get some interest in learning some computing and at least they can be used for some games. I tested one out yesterday and plalyed a game of checkers and won which may be the first time. I have a chess program which I have not installed yet. I plan to get a wireless card nstalled ad then they can have internet access using my connection. I tested and the signal from my transmitter in the apartment reaches into the basement, so we should be able to make it work.
This brings you all up to dae as to the happenings to us. More at a later time.
Sending best wishes to all HAF AKA HAHPPY DOC
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