Monday, February 09, 2009


It does not matter whether it is called a recession or a depression the economy is a
mess. Banks have failed, people have lost jobs, the savings and value of assets of
people have been depressed and some severely so. It will take a lot to get things
back on keel. The present situation is a downward spiral. We will survive and find
that we can get along very well with less as we found out in the GREAT DEPRESSION!
We have a new president and it appears that he is getting a good team of advisors
around him and this is the most imporstant thing as one man can not do it all.
We are approaching Springtime. I am ready! We have even had temperatures up to 70
degrees, It is supposed to be 65 today. I think everyone is looking forward to the
blossoming and change--it will raise peoples spirits.
I have been reading DEWEY the library cat. I have it on my kindle. I am still learning how to use the Kindle. There have been several best sellers about pets and animal

MARLEY AND ME and MERLE'S DOOR are a couple of recent books. I have checked
out MERLE'S DOOR from the library.
You will note that I have changed to layout of the blog. The new format is supposed to make it easier to add and move elements etc. It gives something new to play with anyway.
We are still rocking along. Mary is to have some tests this week.
Grandson Zach and Susan returned safely from Isreal. They were glad to get back to the USA.
We were honored a couple of weeks ago when Dien drove his wife and sisters from Dallas to Salina for a couple hour visit. It was good to see and visit with them.It is really an effort for them to make that trip and we felt honored. Dien and Hang -his wifr-live in Sacramento, Nogc lives in Calif, Ly lives in Dallas, Ha lives in Viet Nam and Hoa lives in Thailand. They had all gathered for Bich's funeral. The family is quite remarkable.
I will close this posting and hope that it finds all of you in good health and surviving the trials of the economy.

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