Friday, February 19, 2010

February jPost

February is lovers month so it is appropriate that I send my love to all of you.
Hosp;ice of Salina where Mary is a patient provides a computer for public use so I am using it to make this positing while Mary is taking a nap. It is a nice service. Mary is doing about the same. I think that the tumor is ioa little larger but is is slow. She is eating well and resting well and is well taken care of. I spend part of every day with her and help feed her some of her meals. I am well settled in Phililp's apartment which is quite close to the Hosp;ice facility. There is some open land with trees and grass around the building and sometime we see deer in the meadow. They usually have coffee and cookies available so it is a very pleasant place.

I am enjoying my KINDLE and also thy mp3 audio book reader. On the Kindle I am rading THE LAST LECTURE. and on the Mp3 reader I am listening to Patrick Obrian's HMS SURPRISE one of the o Maturin series and the saga of the sailing ships I can download audio books in mp3 or wma format -free- from the Kansas State Library. Electronic books probably are the wave of the future. Richard told me that in 2009 Amazon sold more e-books than print books.

Well, I did not get this posted and it is now March 1. I will finish it and get it posted. I guess that There was too mch Olympics. There were some birds singing thismorning so there is hope for Spring and every one is more than ready for it.

Some of the new TV programs strting up sound as if they may be interessting.

I guess that the next chore is to get everything redy and get the income tax filed. The Congress can not get together on any legislation of; note. So what the future hold is ayones guess. If it was not so vital to everyone one would be tempted to just "thro the bums out" and start over!! We will make it some way!!!

I will quit and get this posted and will try to do better in the future but do not hold me to it

Hope this finds all well with you and yours


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